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There are so many ways you can focus on marketing your business today. From social media, paid search, advertising, to paying people to do wacky things to create guerrilla marketing.
But the standard email marketing campaign often gets overlooked.
Sure, email marketing isn’t as sexy as putting up a children’s slide in a subway station, but it can be very effective.
Powerful ROI
If done right, (and we assume that’s why you’re reading this) the return on investment for your email campaign is insane. According to Campaign Monitor for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI.
We’re not all math wizards over here (some of us majored in English), but that’s an incredible return on investment.
Incredible because out of all the popular marketing efforts, email delivers the highest ROI, beating out social media, paid search and video.
Powerful Lead Gen
The same report from Campaign Monitor shows that email is 40 times more effective at bringing in new customers than Facebook or Twitter.
Let’s just agree that you’d have to be crazy not to include an email campaign in your marketing plan.
After going over the numbers we feel very strongly about that.
The 5 email Marketing Campaign Rules
But not all email marketing campaigns are created equally. Here are five email marketing campaign rules you should adhere to if you want your campaign to be effective:
Before you start sending out emails willy-nilly, you first need to decide what results you want from your campaign. What do you want to accomplish? More sales on a specific product, grow your email list, have people tell you how pretty you are?
Deciding what you want before you start will help you create the right emails to meet your goals. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, how will you know when you get it?
Yes, of course you want these emails to benefit you. Most likely, you’d want people to open your emails and immediately buy up all your products or sign up for all your services. But since you are writing this email for the recipient, it matters what they want.
What’s in it for them? As humans that’s our thing. Even when we’re acting altruistically, we’re doing it because it improves our lives in some way, making us feel good about who we are as human beings.
EVERY EMAIL YOU SEND NEEDS TO BENEFIT THE RECIPIENT. We bolded that and put it in all caps because it’s important. Every email you send needs to benefit your client, whether you’re providing valuable information, giving them a discount, or finding some way to make their life easier or better.
If you can’t answer how this email is going to do that, then you shouldn’t send it until you you can.
Once you’ve figured out how your email is going to benefit your client, you need to decide what action you want them to take. You don’t want to email your client just to say “hi.”
Your email needs to have a clear call-to-action. It can even have more than one call to action, but you need to lead your client into a specific action. Whether you want them to visit your blog, fill out a form, buy your new product or take a survey.
You need to direct them to do something. Every time.
Pssst, if you want your call to action to get a better response, use a button image instead of a text link. A button increases conversion rates by as much as 28% over text links. (Source: Campaign Monitor)
People like to hear and see their own name. We all want to feel special, no one wants to feel like some faceless person in a crowd.
Emails with personalized subject lines have a 26% greater open rate. Plus, according to Experian, personalized emails have transaction rates that are six times higher than those that aren’t personalized.
Six times higher just for acknowledging that you’re talking to a specific person. Whenever possible, make sure you personalize your email so your client knows you’re speaking directly to them.
Chances are, you probably wouldn’t send the same email to your grandma as you would your friends. The same goes for your clients.
The more you segment your list and focus on your clients’ needs, the better off you’ll be. When your email is specifically targeted, you have a better chance of having it do what you want.
Segment out your email list and make sure your grandma doesn’t get the same email you as your best friend.
So Follow the Top 5 Rules
Creating a great email campaign can be the easiest way for you to add new clients and increase your ROI. If you make sure your campaign is following the top five rules, you’ll be well on your way to an incredible email marketing campaign.
Want to start an email campaign? Contact us at dbc@dbcdigital.com or call us at 303.357.5757 (see, a call to action) today to find out how you can easily gain more customers through smart email campaigns.
Please note: DBC Digital is a full-service marketing agency in the Denver metro area. We’re in Centennial, just off I-25 and Dry Creek. We work with clients throughout Colorado and the U.S., in a variety of industries, including: real estate, financial, insurance, and mortgage.